Thursday, May 3, 2018

Obligatory First Post!

Okay, this is a blog. I said I would do it, and look at that, I made a blog.

So, here's why I started this blog. I've been cooking since I was little more than a toddler on the kitchen counter (shout out to my wonderful mother for teaching me the basics), and I have always appreciated a good home-cooked meal. In the year since I've graduated from college, I've been living pretty much on my own, and on my own cooking. I love eating out, but that gets expensive and there's something satisfying about walking into the house and knowing there's something good just waiting in the fridge. 

Through the massive creativity and time-wasting site known as Pinterest, I started to get ideas. And we all know what happens when Kim gets ideas. I started using interesting ingredients, trying foods from different parts of the world, and cooking without common ingredients (grain-free, dairy-free, no food dyes, etc) just to see what kind of a food experience I could create in the face of a challenge. It is my goal that someone could come over to my house with any allergy, picky-eating preference, or diet kick and I would still be able to make a meal for them that tastes great. It is kind of a strange goal considering that I have no food allergies, I don't follow any particular diet, and I can count the number of foods I dislike on my fingers, but I don't just cook for myself, I love to cook for other people when I have the chance. If my cooking can give someone else a little bit of happiness, then I feel I've done some good. Another reason I started this blog was to have a place to send people when they ask for my recipes. It beats scrolling through the literally hundreds of pins on my Pinterest boards to find the one they want.

So, why did I decide to call it "A Sprinkle of Kim"?

1. It sounded cute. Anyone who knows me knows that I cannot exist without the concept of cute. I'm just a cutesy person. Adorable flows through my veins. If I try to be un-cute, it just ends up being cute. Thus, I embrace the cute, so my blog can embrace the cute as well.

2. A sprinkle is a little something extra that makes things better. Whether it's the rainbow variety atop a hot fudge sundae or that classy dusting of cinnamon on a cappuccino, there's something about that sprinkle that takes whatever you're consuming to the next level. Most of the recipes I use are not my own, but I rarely make them exactly as the recipe says. I taste and alter as I go along, making each recipe to my taste. Each time I post something I made, I'll link to the original recipe, then I'll tell what I did to give each recipe "A Sprinkle of Kim" all delivered in true Kim-fashion: with equal parts dorkiness and sass.

So, join me as I explore the world of cooking and eating. I hope somewhere along the line, you find something you like, or at least get a laugh out of my shenanigans. I get to eat everything I cook, so I win either way!

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