Monday, August 6, 2018

Cookies with a Smackerel

As most of you with children (or who, like myself, are basically oversized children with jobs) have heard, Christopher Robin was released this weekend. Much like old fairy tales, Winnie The Pooh and his friends have been a quintissential part of childhood for what seems like forever. Since the character's creation in the 1920's, A. A. Milne's characters have been adapted to radio, television, movies, and even several stage plays, but the tubby little cubby hasn't graced the theater screen since 2011. Now, I'll be honest, I was very skeptical about a the idea of a live action Winnie the Pooh movie. So many of recent live action adaptations have been, shall we say, less than stellar. But after seeing the trailer, I went in expecting at least something worth my time.

Okay, I'll start by saying, I really enjoyed the movie. It was cute, it had some good heart, and the characters felt like the ones I had grown up with. I had bought a teddy bear in my bag because some movies just require a stuffed animal to squeeze, and this movie was full of squeeze-worthy momoents. Kids will enjoy it and parents will be able to enjoy the nostalgia. The message of the movie is one I have seen a thousand times, but it was well executed enough to ring true. Take time to do nothing. Be present in the moment and enjoy what's around you, be it nature, your family, your friends, or simply the comfort of your home. It's a reminder we all need. I like to do a lot of different things and have a lot of friends and hobbies, but when I am doing so many things that I cannot stay present and enjoy those things, it's not worth doing to begin with. I have had times where I have had to plan to do nothing, and then having to force myself not pick up a chore or start planning something else and just enjoy this doing nothing. Wow, deep thoughts for a Monday. Let's get back to sweet treats and teddy bears!

In honor of the release, I decided I wanted to make honey cookies. It wouldn't be Winnie the Pooh without the constant search for honey. These spiced vanilla and honey cookies are just the thing for a sentimental, childlike movie that adults can also enjoy. They remind me of gingerbread and spiced chai with a  nice honey undertone, and they make the kitchen smell incredible. I took these to a party and they received rave reviews. Much like the movie I baked them for, these are soft and VERY sweet. Not too sweet, I was careful to ensure that, but they can easily become so. Use a very light hand when glazing these and feel free to add extra spice to keep the flavors balanced. They would definitely go well with something that has a more bitter flavor to balance, like coffee or an earl grey tea.

No picture can do justice to how good these things smell and taste.


Spiced Vanilla Honey Cookies

Sprinkles of Kim:
-I added extra of all of the spices in the cookie dough to my taste, meaning about half again more cinnamon and an extra dash of all the other spices because I like strong spicy flavors
-One more spice for good measure: coriander. I added a couple dashes to round out the flavor
-To add more honey flavor, I warmed up some honey and drizzled it very lightly over the cookies just like I did with the frosting.

Remember to take time to enjoy the moment, and maybe treat yourself to a samll smackerel

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