Monday, December 24, 2018

Tastes like Christmas

I'm typing this post from the Hallmark card that is my mom's living room. She got one of those decorative fireplaces and not only is it gorgeous, it actually heats the room, which means my Texas-dwelling self curls up in front of it like a cat. It's currently Christmas Eve, what are you doing reading my blog? You're taking a break from all the Christmas things? Okay, I guess that's acceptable.

In the weeks leading up to Christmas, I made my morning a little extra by getting extra fun with my oatmeal bowls. I know, Instagram has ruined me. It takes less than ten minutes, it's fun, and it tastes good. Enjoy these festive bowls:

This blackberry pengin is a personal favorite. The orange is sprinkles, the rest is cream cheese and berries
The white in all of these is cream cheese frosting that I put in a Ziploc bag and cut the corner

This wreath was one of the tastiest ones. It's banana bread oatmeal with cream cheese details

The colors on this one are great, and chocolate oats with raspberry are yum

The green oats are matcha, goes well with berries

I call this the Grinch Bowl because it's green oats with a heart that's in three sizes

Frosty the Oatman!

The tree is made out of pear, so I put a blackberry partridge in it and I have a partridge in a pear tree!

Christmas Morning oats on the morning of my trip home. Read on to find out why this is so special.

Okay, on to the actual post.

It's a long way home for me for the holidays. Ten hours in a car to dive into the bed I've had since high school. But those ten hours are so, so worth it. Don't get me wrong, I love my life in Texas, but remember my less-positive post last week? Yeah, the thought of a Christmas with my family carried me through that and through those ten hours to Nebraska.

I am so blessed that I get along well with my siblings. We have our differences for sure, in fact no one of us is particularly like any other. But somehow we make it work and all really enjoy being around each other. I know families where the siblings fight like cats and dogs, and I'm thankful every time I get together with my siblings that I can do so without old grudges and fights coming to the surface. Does that sound like bragging? Sorry if it does, but I really am thankful for my relationship with my siblings.

I do have a lot to be thankful for this Christmas. I took time off from a job that I have to drive a car that I own to a house filled with people who love me and are happy to see me. I wrapped presents that I could afford to buy and guessed at what was in the presents that were picked out especially for me. Tomorrow I plan to thoroughly enjoy my Christmas day in the way that only my family does. Every family Christmas is a little different, It's a good time to enjoy what makes yours special.

This week I'm sharing a very special recipe. Yes, it's scones again. My blog, my recipes, deal with it. But this is probably my favorite scone recipe of all the ones my mother has ever made. Partially because it's delicious, and partially because it's special. My mother only makes these around Christmas, so they always remind me of my favorite holiday. The combination of flavors is not one that I've encountered in any other recipe, but it's very good. It doesn't have a catchy name like fluffernutter or turtle, but it just kind of...tastes like Christmas. I'm not really sure how, but the vanilla, cinnamon, rosemary, and cranberry flavors just work. These scones are unique and one of many things I look forward to when I get home for the holidays. Yeah, they're easy to make and I have made them myself, but it's much more fun when my mother gives me one on a poinsettia-patterned plate with a cup of festively-flavored coffee the morning after a long drive. It's a small moment that makes Christmas special. Enjoy any of those moments you can get, it's like adding sprinkles to your life. This blog is all about a sprinkle of something extra, thus the title. Heck, maybe this blog is a sprinkle in your day, writing it is a sprinkle for me.

Here's my recipe:

Christmas Morning Scones

This recipe takes no modification, it's perfect. Just make it, it's truly a wonderful thing.

Enjoy your Christmas sprinkles, be they your favorite carol, a hug from someone you missed, or the actual sprinkles on your favorite cookie. Merry Christmas!

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