Monday, July 9, 2018

How I Make a Good Impression

As many of you probably have found out through one means or another, I recently started dating someone. I tried to inform people rather than let them find out through Facebook or this blog post, but honestly, I can't remember who I have and haven't said things to most of the time anyway, so if you feel betrayed by my not telling you sooner, I'm sorry, I just know too many people in too many places to keep track of telling everyone. Extrovert problems.

Jay and I met at a convention, go figure. Hey, conventions are a big part of my life, it was bound to happen. As we went on a few dates, we fell in nerd love in it's been going on for about a month. Picture to prove he exists:

He took me to a Hatsune Miku concert. I'm keeping this one. <3

So, one of out early dates was over Father's Day weekend. He had some plans with his family and invited me along. For those of you who think that's really soon to meet the family, allow me to remind you of something. I'm from an area where everyone knows everyone, so meeting the family is not as big a deal for me as for a lot of people. I agreed as I had no other plans for that day and I honestly was okay meeting his family. I knew I would bring food because that is what I do. I make people like me by bringing food. If you are the friend who brings food, you will be invited back. I decided to make bred because bread is impressive and can secretly be very easy to make.

I didn't have time to let things rise that morning, so I went with a quick bread. Quick breads are awesome. Just mix it up and bake it and pretend to be a total domestic goddess (or god as the case may be). I chose this particular recipe because I had all of the ingredients and it seemed like a good one to keep around for future bread-worthy occasions (like all the time).

Needless to say, Jay's family liked me (because really who wouldn't, have you met me?) and they liked my bread. I was welcomed back on the 4th of July and they haven't tried to break the two of us up yet. Anyway, on to the bread itself!

This is a dense, crumbly bread, to be expected from an oat-based bread, but it's still very tender and has the sweetness from the yogurt and honey. And look at that, the ingredients are actually pretty wholesome, so you can justify a second slice...and a third. This bread pairs especially well with breakfast food and makes a really good snack on its own as well. Here's my recipe:

Honey Oat Bread

Sprinkles of Kim:
-I used Greek Yogurt because that's what I had and I upped the milk a little bit and it was fine
-I used regular whole wheat instead of white whole wheat, the bread was darker than the picture on the recipe, but tasted good anyway

So, as per the title, how do I make a good impression? Bring food. Always bring food.