Monday, October 22, 2018

Soup Season

Even Texas gets cold.

Okay, not as cold as anywhere else I've lived, but cold enough for me to be uncomfortable and shivering. Especially when the cold is accompanied by enough rain that I practically need scuba gear to get to work. And I hate the train even more because it makes the medical couriers late, and throws off the whole schedule for me at work.

I will say that I'm not much of a fall person. I hate the cold, I'm not a fan of the muted colors, and while I do enjoy the warm spicy flavors, I prefer the bright, fresh flavors of summer. But when fall does roll around, I embrace the parts of it I do enjoy, like the lack of bugs, the holidays, and the food of this blog post, soup.

There is nothing like a nice, hot bowl of soup. The smell, the feeling of the warm bowl in your hands, the rich flavors, it's just very nice after a long day of work. So, because the weather has been so awful, I have been craving some soup, and because I am an adult who can cook, I made some, and I would like to share it.

Honestly, this blog post is pretty lazy because I was pretty lazy in the kitchen. I went to a midnight screening and was out late the night before. Hey, it's almost Halloween, and I celebrate all month long. It ended at 2 am, which last I checked, was the exact right time to find an all-night diner and get pancakes. A friend and I ordered pumpkin spice and vanilla pancakes and swapped half the stacks in what the waitress called a "pancake suicide." (for those of you who didn't have a childhood, a "suicide" is mixing all the sodas at the soda fountain to see what it tastes like) And it was a very good idea. But, the next day, I dragged myself out of bed and didn't want to do anything complicated, so I made this delicious soup while I worked on cosplay. This is not a difficult recipe. Most soups are basically just throw stuff into a pot until it tastes good. It made for a nice lazy weekend and a start to fall.

Here are some of the results of my cosplay work. I am a beautiful mermaid.

And behold, the most boring food picture ever posted on this blog. Who cares what it looks like if it tastes good, right?

Here's my recipe:

Spinach and Lentil Soup

Sprinkles of Kim:
-I couldn't find sumac, so i had to leave it out. And the grocery store was out of mint, so I put in a couple drops of mint extract, which seemed to work
-I added a can of tomatoes because there needed to be another acid ingredient
-A bit of cayenne gives it just a touch of heat
-I tossed in about a teaspoon of basil
-extra garlic because I like a lot of garlic flavor
-the two cups of parsley is a bit much even for me, so I would recommend cutting that back and may be adding some extra spinach

This is a surprisingly hearty soup that goes well with some cheese bread or crackers. I know this isn't the most exciting blog post, but I don't see any rule that states that I have to be exciting all the time. Sounds exhausting. So, here's hoping you all have a nice, relaxing beginning to fall.

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