Okay, looking at my list of combinations, oatmeal is just going to be a running thing on my blog. If you haven't read my first post on my weekday breakfast, please do so here:
Part 1
I know I said oatmeal is hard to make pretty, but I think I may have succeeded with this picture. Matcha oats with strawberries and almond butter. Or maybe it actually looks like alien ectoplasm and Instagram has fried my brain. Either way, it tasted really good.
The Oatmeal Artist
But, you know, also read my blog. Because my blog has more sass. I've been adding a tablespoon of chia seeds to a lot of my oatmeal for the extra nutrients, and I've found that I really like the texture it gives as well. I also sometimes have chia seed pudding for breakfast and really enjoy it, so that might have to get a blog post at some point. A couple of these recipes use Greek yogurt, which makes the oatmeal super thick and creamy with the added bonus of enough protein to turn you into Gal Gadot in Wonder Woman *flexes tiny girl arms* Okay, maybe not. If you don't like Greek yogurt, you can certainly use regular or any non-dairy version you prefer. I've made a couple of these recipes both hot and overnight, and it's honestly down to preference which one is better. Another option is to soak the oats overnight and then warm it up in the microwave right before eating, which is nice if you want to prep the night before but don't like the texture of cold oats.
Chocolate blackberry
-1 tsp cocoa powder
-1/4 tsp cinnamon
-few drops of vanilla
Top with blackberries right before eating
Banana Daquiri
This is America, if I want my breakfast to taste boozy, I can. This tastes really rich and tasty
-1/2 tsp rum flavoring
-1/4 tsp vanilla
-Top with banana right before eating
I highly recommend topping this one with banana or strawberry, it adds to the sweetness. This doesn't really taste like Nutella to me, but the combination is still tasty
-1 tsp cocoa powder
-1/4 tsp hazelnut flavoring
-sprinkle of cinnamon
-few drops of vanilla
-Optional: top with fruit right before eating
Thin Mint
This actually does taste like thin mint cookies. It's a personal favorite.
-1 tsp cocoa powder
-1/4 tsp peppermint extract
-few drops of vanilla
-dash of cinnamon
Vanilla Almond Latte
-1/2 tsp vanilla
-1/2 tsp espresso powder
-few drops of almond flavoring
Carrot Cake
I used a recipe for this one, and it has a great texture. I left out the raisins because I have never had a carrot cake with raisins, and I added cloves and nutmeg because the spice mix wasn't quite right without them.
Original Recipe
Spiced Orange
This one does have an extra step, but it tastes really good. Blend the orange and milk before pouring over the oat mixture. You could probably also make this with a 50/50 orange juice and milk mixture if you're not a fan of the pulp. This reminds me of a creamsicle crossed with an orange tea. It sounds a little weird, but it's good
-1 orange, peeled and blended with the milk
-1 tsp vanilla
-1/2 tsp cinnamon
-1 tsp cloves
-1/2 tsp allspice
This one is from the blog I mentioned earlier. It's super creamy and delicious. I added a little cinnamon and some extra coffee granules because I can.
Tiramisu Oatmeal
Strawberry Romanoff
For those of you who haven't had it, strawberry romanoff is a dessert that consists of strawberries in a sweet Grand Mariner sauce covered in whipped cream. You can see where I'm going with this.
-3 small or 2 large strawberries, cut and blended with milk
-1/4 cup Greek Yogurt
-1 tsp orange zest
-1 tsp rum flavoring
-1 tsp vanilla
-additional sliced strawberries for topping
Strawberry Daquiri
This one is a really refreshing breakfast when it's triple digit temperatures by 10 (which is about 3-4 months of the year here in Dallas), and the flavor combo is particularly nice
-4 small or 3 large strawberries, cut and blended with milk
-1 tsp rum flavoring
-splash of lemon juice
-splash of lime juice
-1 T chia seeds
Bonus: Savory Oats (not overnight)
Okay, I had to include this because it's so unique and delicious. I'm normally a sweet breakfast kind of girl (and sweet snacks, and sweet cocktails...I keep dentists in business), but savory oatmeal really hits the spot some mornings. It's creamy, flavorful, and really satisfying. It kind of reminds me of a rice casserole. This is just a basic recipe, feel free to get creative and make what you think would work. Maybe some rosemary and chicken, or bacon and cheese, or ham and sweet potato. This idea inspired me, let it inspire you! (I might make a bunch of variations and give this its own post at some point)
-dash of salt
-garlic to taste
-sprinkle of chives
-dash of paprika
-whatever veggies and toppings you like in an omelette (peppers, onion, mushrooms, hot sauce, etc.)
-top with an egg cooked how you like it